by Olibro | March 3, 2021
I co-lead with Roger Friedland (UCSB-NYUAD) and Maria Charles (UCSB) a survey on courtship, marriage, and religion in MENA. Employing popular social networking sites, such as Facebook, we have conducted survey research on the intimate lives of young people in a number...
by Olibro | March 3, 2021
This article co-authored with Ramina Sotoudeh and Roger Friedland. It’s published in Media, culture, and society section of the Sage Press website. Article is published on February 2017.
by Olibro | March 3, 2021
This article is co-authored by Roger Friedland, Janet Afary, P. Gardinali, and C. Naslund. It’s published in Critical research on religion section of the Sage Press website. It dates from fall 2016
by Olibro | February 2, 2021
“Critical theory, authoritarianism, and the politics of lipstick from the Weimar Republic to the contemporary Middle East is article co-authored with Roger Friedland. It’s published December 2018. Article is also avaialable in Persian.